A Nature-Positive Future
© Darryl Torckler

A Nature-Positive Future

Together we can stop nature's decline. 

Across the world, there has been 69% drop in monitored wildlife populations since 1970. 

In one lifetime, we have lost nature at an alarming rate. And we continue to do so. The situation is grave. But if we act now. If we act together. We can turn it around.

Together we can keep our most severely threatened species, like the Māui dolphin and the Antipodean albatross, from disappearing. We can stop the decline of our endangered and vulnerable penguins, mollymawks, and dolphins. We can reverse the damage to the oceans. 

Are you in? Will you help build a nature-positive future?

© Darryl Torckler/WWF

Marine Protected Areas

One major action we can take is to turn at least 30% of New Zealand waters in Marine Protected Areas. 

Despite having one of the largest marine environments in the world, less than 1% is protected from exploitation. There are too few places where our seabirds and dolphins are safe from the dangers of commercial fishing. Too few places where nature can have a chance to recover. 

Your donation will help us keep pressure on the government to commit to doing more to protect our ocean, and the wonderful, unique species that call it home. To make 30% protected by 2030 a reality.

© CJR Robertson

Sustainable fishing

We can reduce our impact on the ocean, and the species who live in and rely on it, by fishing more sustainably.

Your support will allow us to keep working with government and industry to strengthen, monitor and enforce bycatch mitigation measures. By making a donation today, you can help reduce the number of seabirds, mammals and other species needlessly dying on fishing lines and in nets. 

We need to do better. For the ocean. For our orcas, our yellow-eyed penguins, our albatrosses and petrels.  

What we mean by nature positive

Image of NZ Parliament
Press Release

Government “living in an alternative universe” with 2024 Budget

Coastal erosion
Press Release

March for Nature

Image of a shipping container in Lyttelton
Press Release

NZ’s ‘war on nature’ flouts terms of European trade deal, warns WWF

Digger and truck in wetland

Fast-track Approvals Bill Submission

Image of an Archey's frog
Press Release

Goodbye Freddie: Slashing Significant Natural Areas will result in the extinction of our native species

Image of a digger
Press Release

New law puts NZ on fast-track to environmental destruction

Image of a cow grazing with Mount Taranaki in the background
Press Release

NZ Government set to breach terms of UK trade deal

Cow on farm, South Island

Environment Chapter of NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement

Image of a river in Southland
Press Release

No community safe under Fast-Track Consenting Bill

View of North Cape, NZ
Advocacy Update

Briefing to Incoming Government

beach with flowering pohutakawa trees
Fascinating Facts

7 ideas for a sustainable summer

Plastic bottles in the sea

Towards a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution