Our Leaders

WWF-New Zealand was established in 1975 as a Charitable Trust and is a registered charity (CC33788).

We are governed by a Board of Trustees and led by our CEO. 

Meet our CEO

"The urgent need to turn the tide on biodiversity loss in our ocean is one of the main reasons I decided to join WWF-New Zealand as CEO."

Dr Kayla Kingdon-Bebb

Dr Kayla Kingdon-Bebb


Dr Kayla Kingdon-Bebb joined WWF-New Zealand as CEO in March 2023, having previously served as Director of Policy at Aotearoa New Zealand's Department of Conservation. 

An experienced environmental policy leader, manager, and advocate, she has experience in the machinery of government and has led collaborative work programmes on a wide range of environmental policy issues. 

Kayla is also a subject-matter specialist in Treaty law, with a particular focus on the interaction between indigenous and colonial legal systems in the context of natural resource management.

You can follow Kayla on LinkedIn

Meet the Board

"I'm delighted to Chair the WWF-New Zealand Board and have the opportunity to help this amazing organisation in delivering its mission of protecting the environment and building a sustainable future for all."

Matthew Valentine

Matthew Valentine - Chair

Matthew is committed to leading good corporate governance practices to deliver impactful conservation outcomes. He brings extensive experience in leading a range of functions including finance, HR, sustainability and health and safety.

Matthew previously served as Manager of Corporate Services at the Wellington Ecosanctuary, ZEALANDIA Te Māra Tāne where he managed the integrated annual report. This work has been internationally recognised by winning a number of awards at the Australasian Reporting Awards, and also domestically at the New Zealand Charity Reporting Awards.

Matthew also played an instrumental role in helping ZEALANDIA Te Māra Tāne becoming a financially sustainable social enterprise over the five years he worked there. 

Matthew is committed to developing good sustainability practices and reporting across organisations in order to reduce carbon emissions. He has also led a number of initiatives to improve health and safety standards including implementing key risk management reporting for Boards.

Matthew's career includes a number of senior finance roles in the public sector, including Chief Financial Officer roles at the State Services Commission and the Ministry of Justice. Matthew holds a BA Honours degree in Economics and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Matthew joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in November 2021. 

Suzan Craig

As an entrepreneur, Suzan has been pioneering ecosystem restoration, nature-based solutions, and sustainable business practices for two decades. 

Suzan has transformed Tahi – a degraded Northland farm – into a nature sanctuary, an eco-retreat and an award-winning producer of Mānuka honey. Since its inception, Tahi’s ecosystems, wetlands and forests have been restored and nearly 60 bird species have returned to the land, including 25 rare and endangered species. Tahi was recognised as the ‘Most Sustainable Business in New Zealand’ in 2020 and received the ‘Restoring Nature’ award in 2020 and again in 2021.

Suzan is currently working on developing a transformative indigenous carbon and biodiversity accounting and planting methodology, while extending the Tahi project for greater impact.

Suzan co-founded the Villars Institute, a Swiss non-profit foundation, that aims to accelerate the transition to Net Zero and Nature Positive economy through interdisciplinary research, intergenerational collaboration, and systems leadership. The Villars Institute works closely with experts, educators, and entrepreneurs to collaborate with young people on the planet’s most pressing challenges. Suzan is also a founding member and board member of the Long Run, an organisation of nature-based tourism businesses committed to driving sustainability.

Suzan joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in March 2024.

Sam Knowles

Sam is a governance  professional and is on the boards of several young growth companies with international  ambitions. In these roles, he specialises in market and organisational strategy. Prior to taking  up these roles, he was the CEO of Kiwibank, a very successful start-up in retail banking which he led from inception over a 10-year period. 

Sam has had a strong interest in environmental sustainability for many years. Before commencing his banking career he worked as a policy analyst at the New Zealand Treasury after completing a post-graduate degree in Environmental Science. 

Sam lives in Wellington and has three adult children. In his spare time, he is a keen mountain biker and an active traveller.

Sam joined WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in May 2018.

Richard Lauder

Richard has had a long career in Chief Executive roles across process manufacturing, infrastructure services, experimental aviation, and most recently tourism. 

As Chief Executive of Real Journeys (now known as RealNZ), Richard has led a number of significant conservation initiatives, including removing all the wilding pines from 150 hectares of Walter Peak; making 2000 hectares of Cooper Island in Dusky Sound predator free as a potential new habitat for Kākāpō and other endangered species; and holding the annual Birds of a Feather Conservation Ball – which raised over $400,000 for conservation initiatives.

Richard is now focusing his efforts on climate change mitigation and the environment. He chairs the Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants, Natural Habitats Limited and the Planetary Accounting Network.

Richard joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in March 2024.


Jonathan Mason - Chair Audit and Risk Committee

Jonathan has had a lifelong passion for local and global ecology that has grown alongside his career as a multinational company finance executive. 

Jonathan grew up in the USA and was educated at Beloit College in Wisconsin and Yale University. He holds degrees in economics, international relations, and business. In his spare time, he developed an interest in birdwatching in high school, by watching the neotropical songbird migration from South America to Canada every May. Jonathan joined US environmental organisations including WWF, the Nature Conservancy, and National Audubon Society, and has been a supporter of these organisations for over 30 years.
Jonathan spent most of his career as a finance executive with International Paper, a forest products company based in the USA as well as Fonterra, New Zealand’s largest dairy cooperative. After retiring from Fonterra 10 years ago, Jonathan has become a Non-Executive Director with current and past positions on the boards of Vector, Zespri, Westpac NZ, the University of Auckland, and Air New Zealand. 
Jonathan joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in August 2018 and is the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, focusing on fundraising and financial issues.

Dame Kerry Prendergast DNZM, CNZM

Kerry is the former Mayor of Wellington and former Vice-President of Local Government New Zealand. She holds an MBA from, and is a distinguished Alumni of, Victoria University of Wellington.

Kerry chairs Wellington Free Ambulance, Wellington Opera, the Royal New Zealand Ballet, the Tourism Industry Association, and the Victoria Foundation. She is a Director of Oceania Healthcare, Fish Serve and a Trustee of the Wellington International Arts Foundation, and the New Zealand Community Trust.

Kerry has filled many other roles over the last ten years, including chairing the New Zealand Film Commission, NZ Tourism, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

In January 2019 Kerry became a Dame Companion (DNZM) for services to governance and the community, after being awarded a CNZM in 2011 for her services to local government. In July 2016 Kerry was also awarded a Lifetime Excellence Award for Outstanding Contribution to Local Government.

Kerry joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in March 2024.


Lou Sanson

Lou has spent his entire career in nature, both professionally and for recreation. Notable roles include Director-General, Department of Conservation (2013 – 2021), Chief Executive, Antarctica New Zealand (2002 – 2013), Conservator, Department of Conservation, Southland (1996 – 2002) and Antarctic and NZ Cruise Ship Expedition Leader (1990 – 2020). 

Lou has specialised in history and storytelling in the wild environments of New Zealand, Subantarctic Islands, and Antarctica. He has done over 70 visits to Antarctica and is an acknowledged specialist in New Zealand history, natural history, and marine environments.  

He has led many of New Zealand’s and Antarctica’s most significant environmental programmes. He has unique knowledge of some of the most special and remote parts of New Zealand along with a deep understanding of Māori tikanga and the natural world. His storytelling ability is renowned.

Lou joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in November 2021.

Hon James Shaw

James served in the New Zealand House of Representatives from 2014-2024 and as Climate Change Minister in Jacinda Ardern’s government from 2017-2023. The architect of New Zealand’s net-zero framework, he brokered bi-partisan support for the Zero Carbon Act, reforms to the NZ Emission Trading Scheme, and the world’s first Climate Related Financial Disclosures regime. James was also Associate Minister of Finance and Minister of Statistics from 2017-2020 and Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity) 2020-2023. He was Co-leader of the Green Party from 2015-2024 and in 2017 led the Greens into government for the first time ever.

James is now an Operating Partner at Morrison, a leading global infrastructure investment management company. He has other roles as Director of Climate Opportunity and Global Development for Greenbridge Capital Management, is on the Sustainability Advisory Panel of Air New Zealand and is advising and supporting several other climate and nature related start-ups and not-for-profit organisations.

James joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in July 2024.

Brianne West

Brianne West is a biologist and the founder of Incrediballs, an innovative start-up tackling the issue of single-use plastic bottles in the drinks industry.
She is the former CEO of Ethique, the world’s first regenerative beauty brand. Since its inception, Ethique has prevented more than 34 million plastic bottles from being made and disposed of in landfills, and prevented over 600,000kg of carbon emissions.

Brianne also established Business, but Better and Insprie Labs to mentor and invest in purpose-driven, ethical companies. 
Her work is driven by a deep belief in the power of business to enact positive social and environmental change, demonstrating a commitment to creating a more sustainable and equitable world through innovative and ethical business practices.

Brianne joined the WWF-New Zealand Board of Trustees in March 2024.