Ways to Donate

Thank you. Your support is greatly appreciated.

You can make one-time or monthly donations via credit card online at wwf.org.nz or directly into our bank account.

Monthly donations or adoptions are a wonderful way to support nature. By making a regular gift you allow us to plan ahead and commit to the long-term projects needed to create a nature-positive future. You can choose how much you would like to give, and you can change this amount at any time.

Via this Website

Make a donation or adopt a tiger, penguin, albatross or penguin (one-off or monthly) with your credit or debit card. Adoptions are only available via the website.

Online banking

You can also make donations directly to us via our bank account. If you set up a recurring gift by Automatic Payment, you can select the frequency of your gift. 

These are the details you will need:

Bank: ANZ

Name of account: WWF New Zealand

Account number: 06-0501-0545463-00

Particulars: First name

Code: Last name

Reference: Donor ID (if you have it)

If you do not know your donor ID or do not have one, please get in touch with us on 0800 4357 993 or email us at info@wwf.org.nz with the following information and we will confirm your donor ID for you.

  • Your name (or organisation’s name)
  • Your postal address or email address
  • Your contact phone number


Speak to a fundraiser on the phone

WWF-New Zealand is currently getting help from our telemarketing partners at Raisers Hub to raise awareness and to give members of the public the opportunity to support us. We are a small team so this allows us to focus on other areas of the organisation.

Calls from this number: (09) 375 4014 are from the Raisers Hub team calling on behalf of WWF-New Zealand. 

If you are ever unsure about someone calling on our behalf, do not hesitate to contact us. Call 0800 4357 993 or email us at info@wwf.org.nz.


Need help with your donation?

Give us a call on 0800 4357 993 or email us at info@wwf.org.nz

Leave a gift in your Will

By leaving a gift in your Will to WWF you can continue to protect and restore the ocean, the land and the precious native species that make New Zealand unique.

Find out more

Claim your tax credit

Donations to WWF-New Zealand are eligible for a 33.33% tax credit from New Zealand's Department of Inland Revenue (IRD). Yet, half of all donation credits are left unclaimed.

By claiming your tax credit on donations made to WWF-New Zealand and donating it back. You can make your support go further.

Read more - IRD Tax Credits for Donations

Supergenerous, licensed by IRD, can claim your donation tax credit on your behalf.

By signing up with Supergenerous, you're set up for years to come. No need to submit every year.

They’ll do all the hard work for you. They'll connect with the charities you've supported over the past 4 years, and make sure all eligible donations are submitted to IRD.

Your rebate can help restore nature and build a better future! Supergenerous makes it simple to donate your rebate back to WWF and help make an even bigger impact for our planet.

Sign up with Supergenerous and donate your donation tax rebate now!

How and why we fundraise

WWF-New Zealand relies on the generosity of our supporters to fund our conservation and advocacy work. The majority of funds raised in New Zealand are spent in New Zealand, however a small proportion is used to support the work of WWF internationally.

Most fundraising income comes from individual supporters, generous people like you across New Zealand. We also receive funding from trusts and foundations and corporate sponsors.

WWF-New Zealand is a registered charity CC33788. Our IRD number is 026-914-744. We are committed to fundraising in a manner that is consistent with our values of courage, collaboration, respect and integrity.

Along with directly funding our conservation and advocacy programmes, a proportion of donations goes to fund our operational costs including fundraising. Every part of our organisation is essential to achieving our vision of a future where people and nature live in harmony.

A breakdown of funds raised and expenditure can be found in our Annual Report.

Our commitment to our supporters

Your donations will have a powerful impact in protecting endangered species and defending our natural world. 

Your support is critically important to our ability to campaign. The more people on whose behalf we speak, the more we can influence change.

We will keep you updated on how you are making a difference, through letters, receipts, our regular e-newsletters and social media.

We will respect and protect your personal information. We are committed to complying with or exceeding all applicable privacy laws. You can read our Privacy Policy here.

If you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to share, please do get in touch with us, either over email - info@wwf.org.nz – or call our team on 0800 4357 993 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Thanks again for supporting WWF to protect our living planet.