Your Lasting Impact
Do you remember spending time outside growing up? Summer days spent swimming in the river. Winter tramps in the mountains. The joy of hearing a morepork call out in the night. The first time the beauty of nature made your heart skip a beat.
Ensuring that future generations have the chance to experience nature as you did, can be a part of your legacy.
Our country, our planet is in trouble. We’re losing biodiversity at an alarming rate. Natural habitats are being put under increasing pressure.
But people like you are changing things. Helping to stop the degradation of the earth’s natural environment. Building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
By leaving a gift in your Will to WWF you can continue to protect and restore the ocean, the land, the precious native species that make New Zealand unique. That make it home.
How to leave a gift to WWF
A gift in your Will, of any amount, is welcome and can be simply stated, either in your Will or in a codicil (addition). When making or revising a Will you should consult your legal advisor to ensure it completely represents your wishes.
The following wording is suggested for leaving a gift in your Will (bequest) to WWF-New Zealand:
“I give to World Wide Fund for Nature New Zealand, (% of estate, the residue of my estate, or sum of money) for general purposes, for which the receipt of an authorised officer of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
If you choose to leave a gift in your Will, then we would love to hear from you so that we can thank you.
Morgan and Pam Williams
Dr Morgan Williams, former Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment and former Chair of WWF-New Zealand, and his wife Dr Pamela Williams, former Co-Chair of Enviroschools Foundation and former Chair of New Zealand Association for Environmental Education, have left a gift to WWF in their Wills.
"We see WWF engaging widely to champion our natural systems and species for all of us in Aotearoa. They draw on good science, and the passion of people in all walks of life, to shape the changes in the way we value and care for our natural world.
Our bequest will empower many and ensure WWF’s critical contributions endure."
Our promise to you
Leaving a gift to WWF in your Will is an important decision. That’s why we promise that:
Your family and loved ones come first
But we hope that, once you have provided for them, you will also remember WWF.
We won't pressure you
Leaving a gift in your Will is a personal matter and your decision to make at your own pace. But from time to time, we might be in touch to share news of our work and invite you to special events.
We respect your privacy
We’d love to know if you’ve decided to remember WWF in your Will. But we’ll keep any details you share with us confidential.
We'll use your gift with the greatest care
If there is an area of our work you’d particularly like to support, we will work with you to make that happen. Otherwise, we’ll invest your gift where it is most needed to give future generations a world where people and nature thrive together.
If you have any questions at all, we're more than happy to help. Contact us on 0800 4357 993 or email
Or you can request a copy of 'Their Future, Our Planet, Your Legacy', WWF-New Zealand's guide to leaving a lasting gift.
Just fill out the form and we'll post your copy to you.

Need help making a Will?
Write your Will today for just $25 through our trusted partner, Footprint.
Footprint is New Zealand’s largest online Will provider supporting Kiwis to protect their whānau and their hard earned assets. It only takes on average 15 minutes to complete your Will on their solicitor approved platform. All Wills are reviewed by professional Will drafters and are legally valid, giving you the peace of mind that your story is told the right way.
Even just a small portion of your estate will make a serious difference to our conservation work in the long-term, resulting in lasting change for the environment.
About Footprint
Footprint, founded in 2018 is New Zealand’s largest online Will provider. They come from a long line of industry experts and partner with one of New Zealand’s oldest (135 years) and credible trustee companies, Perpetual Guardian.