Having cameras on-board commercial fishing boats is vital for understanding what really goes on at sea. It ensures we have an accurate picture of when protected species, such as dolphins or seabirds, are caught accidentally by commercial fishers as ‘bycatch’ - which means the Government can then make better decisions on how to protect them.
The first data from the electronic monitoring programme has revealed that fishing companies have been hugely under-reporting their catches of protected wildlife. Since the cameras were introduced, reported dolphin captures have increased by nearly 700%, while albatross interactions have more than tripled. This shows us why cameras are so essential: they are our eyes and ears out on the water, and they inform how we manage our fisheries to protect marine life.
So far, cameras are only being rolled out to up to around 250 inshore commercial fishing vessels, despite the fact our deepwater fleet harvests the majority of New Zealand’s commercial catch.