Earth Hour

Saturday, 29 March 2025 - 8:30 pm


Earth Hour 2024 official video

As landmarks and homes across the world switch off their lights, we ask you to spend 60 minutes doing something - anything - positive for our planet.

Just 60 minutes? Yes, just one hour. It may not seem like much, but the magic happens when supporters in over 190 countries and territories - all give an hour for our one home, creating the Biggest Hour for Earth. 

In 2024, 1,559, 832 hours were pledged for the Earth. That's amazing. 

Please join us and make 2025 an even Bigger Hour for Earth.

Some ideas on what you can do before, during or after Earth Hour 

Girl in wood

​​​​​​​Start the day by reconnecting with nature

  • Watch the sunrise 
  • Meditate outdoors 
  • Take a walk in a park
  • Use public transport 
Boy and older man planting native trees

Spend the afternoon restoring the planet

  • Try to go plastic free at the supermarket
  • Clean up a beach or stream
  • Plant a native tree
  • Start a vegetable garden
Wind turbines

Dedicate your evening to learning more

  • Watch a nature documentary 
  • Try out a new sustainable recipe
  • Read about climate change and biodiversity loss
Past Earth Hour in Hamilton

Inspire others

  • Tell them about Earth Hour
  • Share your 'hour' on social media
  • Get friends to join you 
  • Ask them for their support 

Give the Earth an Hour

You can also quite literally give the earth an hour. The median hourly wage in New Zealand is $31.61.

Donate $30 to Earth Hour and help secure a brighter future for people and the planet.

This Hour can shine an unmissable global spotlight on nature loss and climate change, and the need to work together.

  • It could compel millions to act, and make millions more take notice.
  • It could unite cities, countries, continents, showing what we all have in common, and what we stand to lose.
  • It could remind us that time is precious - but that we are powerful - inspiring us to make all other hours count. 

Could an Hour change the world? It’s a start, and it’s up to us.

Earth hour logo

23 March 2024