Make a Donation

© Troy Mayne

Help protect our most precious species and places.

Your support is crucial to stopping nature's decline.

Together we can build a future in which people and nature thrive in harmony.  Our work is only possible because of people like you. It is your passion and commitment to our planet that will create a nature-positive world.

Your donation today will help:

  • Protect and restore our ocean
  • Save taonga species from extinction
  • Make fishing more sustainable
  • Restore degraded habitats

By supporting our research, advocacy and conservation programmes, you'll be making a difference for nature.

© / Solvin Zankl / WWF

Help our Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have roamed the world’s oceans for more than 100 million years, but it’s taken humans just 200 years to push them to the brink of extinction.

Marine turtles, ancient mariners that traverse our oceans, are globally endangered or vulnerable - including all the species found in Aotearoa New Zealand.

New Zealand has five of the seven species of marine turtles, all are globally endangered or vulnerable.

They are threated by direct human impacts like plastic pollution, being caught by commercial and recreational fishers, and being struck by boats and propellers, habitat degradation and changes in ocean temperature and currents.

Your donation will help New Zealand’s marine turtles by supporting our work to protect and restore the ocean.

© Bernard Spragg

Protect our Red-Billed Gulls

Imagine a summer without seagulls

If we don’t act – we won’t have to imagine it.

While still regularly seen along our coastlines, the oft-derided tarāpunga or red-billed gull is in serious decline.

They are now more threatened than the North Island brown kiwi.

One of our most iconic seabirds, the population of red-billed gulls is projected to drop 50 to 70 percent over the next 30 years.

They need our help. Please make a donation to help save our gulls.

Summer would just not be the same without them.

© Darryl Torckler

Stand for the Ocean

Less than 0.5% of New Zealand’s immense ocean territory - a major food source, a massive carbon sink, and home to 80% of our biodiversity - is currently protected. We’re losing precious marine mammals and seabirds to fisheries bycatch and pollution every day. 

We’ve asked a lot of the ocean, and now it is time to give back.

Your donation today will help us:

Work to protect 30% of our vast ocean territory by 2030 and make sure that includes ecologically significant or particularly vulnerable marine habitats. 

Reduce human-driven extinction risk by fishing more sustainably – phasing out bottom-trawling, achieving zero bycatch and managing our fish stocks better. 

Address the land-based threats to marine ecosystems like plastic pollution and nutrient run-off and invest in nature-based solutions that address both climate change and biodiversity loss.

Together let's take a stand for our ocean.

© Lou Sanson/ WWF

Adopt an animal

By adopting an animal through a monthly donation to WWF, you will be safeguarding the home, food, and safety of threatened and endangered species locally and globally.

Your adoption is a symbol of your compassion for all species on our planet.

A WWF animal adoption also makes the perfect gift for any animal lover, and is a great way to inspire friends, family and loved ones to care for nature as much as you do!

© Getty Images

Send an eCard

Help loved ones celebrate Christmas, an anniversary, birthday, or other special occasion.

Make a donation on their behalf and send them a customised eCard to let them know.

Your thoughtful gift will make a difference for nature.

Questions about donations

You can make changes to or cancel your monthly donation by calling 0800 4357 993 or emailing

For security reason, please never include credit card details in your email.

If you would rather make your donation directly to us via our bank account, these are the details you will need:

Bank: ANZ


Account number: 06-0501-0545463-00

Particulars: First name

Code: Last name

Reference: Donor ID (if you have it) 

Receipts are issued automatically. If you make a one-time donation online it will be emailed to you within an hour.

Annual receipts for regular donations are issued at the end of the tax year (31 March). 

If you don't receive your receipt or have questions please call 0800 4357 993 or email

WWF-New Zealand is currently getting help from our telemarketing partners at Mondial to raise awareness and to give members of the public the opportunity to support us. We are a small team so this allows us to focus on other areas of the organisation.

Calls from these numbers: (09) 872 1299; (09) 872 1296; or (09) 872 1290 are from the Mondial team calling on behalf of WWF-New Zealand. 

If you are ever unsure about someone calling on our behalf, do not hesitate to contact us. Call 0800 4357 993 or email us at