By adopting a tiger, you can support conservation efforts to ensure these unique and incredible creatures continue to thrive in their natural habitats.
How much do you know about tigers?
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Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ1. In 2023, the Global Tiger Forum estimated there were how many tigers in the wild?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ2. At what age do tigers leave their mother to find their own territories?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ3. How do tigers found in Sumatra differ from those found in other areas?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ4. What do tigers do with their prey after successfully catching it?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ5. What does tiger urine smell like?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ6. How much can tigers weigh up to?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ7. What is the success rate of tiger hunts?
Shutterstock / PhotocechCZ / WWF-InternationalQ8. How long do tigers in the wild live for?
© Andy Rouse / / WWF