Adopt a Tiger

© Shutterstock/Bhasmang Mehta / WWF-International

Adopt a tiger and help protect this globally significant species and their habitat.

100,000 tigers were roaming the wild just 100 years ago. But by 2010, as few as 3,200 were left. That’s when the TX2 goal was set. A global commitment to double the world's wild tigers by 2022.

It's working. Tiger populations are now increasing in China, India, Bhutan and Russia. In 2022 Nepal announced that there are an estimated 355 wild tigers in the country, up from about 121 in 2009. 

Securing the future for tigers is about so much more than just saving an iconic species. If tigers are thriving in the wild, it's an indicator that the ecosystems in which they live are thriving too. 


Tigers live in some of the most important but also most highly threatened habitats on the planet, where many of Asia’s most exceptional species thrive. The threats they face include:

Adopt a Tiger - Competing for space with humans

Competing for space with humans

Tigers need a large home range for hunting. In areas with significant human populations this can result in tigers and people competing for resources. Human-tiger conflict, both real and perceived, can affect tiger conservation.

Adopt a Tiger - Poaching, illegal wildlife trade

Poaching, illegal wildlife trade

Illegal wildlife trade is the 4th biggest illegal trade in the world, On average, the bodies parts and products of at least two tigers are seized every week. They are mainly being killed for luxury products, using their skins and bones.

Adopt a Tiger - Habitat loss

Habitat loss

Tigers continue to lose their homes to deforestation and other human disturbances, forcing them into rapidly diminishing pockets of nature. Reduction in prey, due to hunting and habitat deterioration, is also impacting wild populations.

Your adoption will help

© Richard Barrett / WWF-UK

Combat the illegal wildlife trade

By working with partners to stop poaching, disrupt illegal trade routes, reduce consumer demand, and strengthen national and international regulations.

© Shutterstock / Paco Como

Support conservation in tiger-range country Nepal

Through the Mingma Norbu Sherpa Memorial Scholarship Fund that allows graduate students from remote regions of Nepal to study nature conservation in New Zealand.