2022 Conservation Grants

Building traps
© Tasman Environmental Trust
Success Story

The 2022 funding round for the WWF-New Zealand Conservation and Education Fund closed in September. We received applications from many exciting community and educational projects, unfortunately more than we could fund.

The Allocation panel had a very tough job selecting 18 projects.

2022 recipients:

  1. The Halo Project (Source to Sea) – waterways, wetlands and forest habitat in Coastal Otago
  2. Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Charitable Trust – restore limestone ecosystems, wetlands and springs that surround Māori rock art sites at Opihi
  3. Tasman Environmental Trust – Pest Free Onetahua Farewell Spit 
  4. Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust – leadership of Hoiho Recovery programme
  5. Whenua Iti Outdoors  – expanding community plant nursery and educational trapline
  6. Bushy Park Trust – reintroduction of titipounamu/rifleman to Bushy Park Tarapuruhi
  7. Pukaha Mount Bruce Board – increase population of yellow crowned kākāriki in reserve
  8. Kaharoa Kokako Trust – pest control in Kaharoa Conservation Area to protect kokako population
  9. Burnside Primary Schoolcontinuing the Bring Back Boulder Butterfly project
  10. Biological Husbandry Unit Organics Trust  – action-based ecology and horticulture education for urban youth
  11. WAI Wānaka – protect endangered fishes species (flatheads and Oleria) within Tyre Gulley
  12. ECOED Trust – increasing the population of North Island brown kiwi in the Kaweka Forest Park
  13. Bream Head Te Whara Conservation Trust – Bream Head Scenic Reserve native tree habitat restoration and educational nursery
  14. Mountains To Sea Wellington Trust – educational aspects of Love Rimurimu (seaweed regeneration project)
  15. Pauanui Dune Protection Society – restore natural dune at Pauanui Beach on the Coromandel
  16. Weed Action Native Habitat Restoration Trust – assisting Ngāti Pukenga ki Pakikaikutu to restore whenua 
  17. Native Bird Rescue Charitable Trust – kororā / little blue penguin rehabilitation Waiheke Island
  18. Whitebait Connection – community-led freshwater conservation action

Congratulations to all successful applicants. WWF-New Zealand provides this funding to communities and environmental educators in partnership with The Tindall Foundation.