© Shutterstock / underwatercam.tv / WWF

Help our marine turtles

Your donation will make a difference

Take Action

Red billed gull and chicks
© Bernard Spragg

Help our red-billed gulls

Imagine a summer without seagulls. If we don't act now, we won't have to imagine it. Your donation can help protect them.

Healthy Kelp Forest
© naturepl.com / Pascal Kobeh /WWF

Our Moana, Our Future

Despite our ocean territory being 15 times larger than our landmass, New Zealand currently has less that one percent of its ocean areas protected. Help get 30% of our ocean protected by 2030.

Bryde's Whale
© naturepl.com / Doug Perrine / WWF

Protect the Hauraki Gulf

The future of the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana is at a critical crossroads. Join us in urging the Prime Minister to do the right thing. 

Penguins eCard
© Chris Johnson / WWF-Australia

Send a wildlife eCard

Celebrate a loved ones' birthday and other special occasions by making a donation on their behalf and sending a very cute eCard to let them know.

© Richard Barrett / WWF-UK

Who we are

WWF-New Zealand is part of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International Network, the world’s largest independent conservation organisation.

We have been working in Aotearoa New Zealand since 1975, on a mission to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature.  

Find out more about who we are and where we came from.

Latest news

Snorkelling around Goat Island.
Success Story

Rangatahi dive into ocean conservation in Auckland

A weeding volunteer for Project Island Song.
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Weedbusters hit all the right notes in Bay of Islands

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Ill-conceived ‘reforms’ could undermine NZ's commercial fisheries

Karioi project.
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The matuku-hūrepo’s call: Inspiring Action Through Education

Image of a vehicle in Stockton Mine
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Government’s mining plans a ‘bizarre nostalgia trip’

Image of a windfarm at Makara
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WWF slams ‘embarrassingly weak’ new climate target

fur seal swimming under water
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Kiwis ‘frustrated’ at Government’s failure to protect ocean life

Predator control on Stewart Island.
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Stewart Island group creating open sanctuary for native wildlife

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2024/2025 Conservation Grants

Climate march
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Government's final climate plan ‘woefully inadequate’

Hoiho chicks
Success Story

Not winging it: Looking after NZ's Bird of the Year

Success Story

Coromandel group use drones to survey threatened wetland bird population