10 'Asks' for the Ocean
© Darryl Torckler

10 'Asks' for the Ocean

It's time to take a stand for better ocean health

Aotearoa New Zealand’s ocean territory is 15 times larger than our land mass and critically important to our livelihoods.
Yet, our ocean is suffering due to the numerous threats it faces.

As we head towards the 2023 General Election, we want to know where our political parties stand on delivering the following 10 ‘Asks’ – a series of critical and necessary steps to ensure a thriving and resilient marine environment – within the next parliamentary term.

Where the Parties Stand

table of party positions
Position table

Read the full 'asks' sent to the parties

The ‘Asks’ are also supported by the following organisations:

Logos of supporting organisations

Watch the parties debate the 'asks'

On 28 September WWF-New Zealand hosted the Our Moana, Our Future pre-election debate at the New Zealand Maritime Museum.

Five candidates from NZ First, the Green Party, Labour, National and Te Pāti Māori joined The Post's National Affairs Editor Andrea Vance to discuss ocean policy.

The event was livestreamed by Stuff and a recording is available.

Show your support for the 10 ‘Asks’ this election

Our ocean - is essential to all life on earth. The ocean is a major food source and produces more than half of the world’s oxygen. A massive carbon sink, it also plays a vital role in regulating climate change. A healthy ocean is central to the wellbeing of all New Zealanders - and critical for future generations. 

Aotearoa New Zealand has one of the largest maritime areas in the world. Our economy relies on the ocean and our ocean is estimated to support 80% of New Zealand's biodiversity.

Currently less than 0.5% of Aotearoa’s ocean territory is protected. Approximately 90% of our seabirds, 85% of our invertebrates, 80% of our shorebirds and 22% of our marine mammals either threatened with or at risk of extinction. Important areas, like the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana, are in a state of sustained and dramatic decline. We need to do better for our oceans.

Show your support for our 10 ‘Asks’ for the Ocean and take a stand with us for better marine protection.

Please note: we have not included every political party running in the 2023 election. We have included all political parties that have gained 3% support or higher in the 1 NEWS Verian Poll (12 - 16 August 2023) released Monday 21 August 2023.

Authorised by: Dr Kayla Kingdon-Bebb, WWF-New Zealand, Level 2/108 The Terrace, Wellington 6011